should hope that by this point the regular audience of this program has
developed some understanding of what the Articles of Confederation and
Perpetual Union were and why they are significant to a discussion of the
American Founding. For those who may have forgotten, however, or who are just
joining us now, they were in effect the first constitution of the American
republic, forged in wartime and rendered obsolete by the drafting and
ratification of the Constitution of the United States in 1787-88. Compared to
that later document – still in force after over two hundred years – the
Articles formed a fairly meagre national government whereby the individual
states retained nearly all of their accustomed autonomy and Congress acted more
as a chamber of debate than a sovereign legislature on the level of the
contemporary British Parliament. Much has been written in these pages of the
weakness of the Articles, the inability of the resulting government to maintain
the cooperation of the various states, and consequently of the issues that
arose among America’s ambassadors abroad in securing much-needed trade
agreements without any guarantee that they would be honored at home. Indeed,
the chief importance of the Articles of Confederation in most histories of the
American Founding is that their failings made it necessary to create another,
more activist national government whose balance of authority, restraint,
energy, and reflection has since – and most emphatically – stood the test of
is, of course, far more to the Articles than just their shortcomings. While
they may not have possessed the proper elements in the proper ratio to
effectively bind together the various states during the economically tumultuous
post-war era – when debt was rampant, hard currency was scarce, and runaway
populism often held sway – they undeniably succeeded in seeing the United
States through the bloodshed and privation of the Revolutionary War. Granted,
the presence of a common enemy in Britain doubtless did much to engender a
sense of solidarity among the often fractious and unruly states. In
consequence, while the Articles may indeed have possessed some quality which
enabled them to hold what were in effect thirteen independent republics
together amidst an extensive military conflict with one of the most powerful
empires in the 18th century world, their true significance almost
certainly lies elsewhere. Indeed, it may have much more to do with what they
represent than what they ever managed to accomplish. Consider, to that end, how
and why the Articles came to be. The men who drafted, debated, approved, and
ratified them were attempting to erect a national government for what had
theretofore been thirteen separate British colonies, each with their own
political customs and administrative norms. Furthermore, they were undertaking
this task while confronting an empire whose centralizing tendencies formed the
very seed of American independence. The results of their efforts, therefore,
were surely the product of any number of compromises, ambitions, anxieties, and
hopes whereby one might arguably be able to chart the ideological ideal of the
Founding Generation as it existed at the height of the American Revolution. A
more intriguing prospect would seem difficult to conceive.
delving into any of that, of course, a few words ought to be said about the
specific context from which the Articles emerged. First, unlike the
Constitution, the Articles were not the product of a convention called to order
outside the auspices of the Continental Congress for the express purpose of
crafting a frame of government for the United States of America. Rather, they
were drafted by a committee formed and delegated by Congress on June 12th,
1776 to prepare a plan of union of the soon-to-be independent states. John
Dickinson (1732-1808), delegate from Pennsylvania, was made chairman of this
body, which presented its first completed draft to Congress proper on July 12th.
A fairly lengthy debate followed, resulting in any number of revisions and
which concluded with a final draft in the summer of 1777. Congress subsequently
debated this version further, voted to approve it on November 15th,
and submitted it to the states for ratification. This process, for the most
part, proceeded swiftly. Virginia was the first, on December 16th,
1777, followed by South Carolina, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and
Georgia the following February, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts
in March, North Carolina in April, New Jersey in November, and Delaware in
February, 1779. In spite of this fairly rapid progress, however – particularly
impressive in light of the fact that these same states were actively fighting
off a military invasion – the Articles did not officially take effect until
February 2nd, 1781.
There were, in essence, two reasons
for this. On one hand, the Articles themselves dictated that ratification would
not be deemed successful unless or until all thirteen states voted in the
affirmative. Doubtless intended as a concession to the sovereignty of said
states – thus preventing those that had not yet approved or had disapproved
from being either carried along by the majority or left out of the resulting
federation – this decision on the part of the framers of the Articles had the
unfortunate effect of allowing a single state to indefinitely postpone the
formal establishment of a national government until all of its demands were
met. Maryland, as it happened, was that state. Dissatisfied with the claims
made by certain of its counterparts – Virginia and New York chief among them –
to large swaths of territory in what is now the Midwest, the contemporary
government of Maryland maintained that it would not approve a closer union of the
states until all parties agreed to cede any lands they held west of the Ohio
River to the proposed national government. After holding out for over three
years from the time of the approval of the Articles by Congress, and exacting a
number of promises from its brethren, Annapolis finally permitted its delegates
to affix their names to the document in question in the second month of 1781,
thus finally and firmly confirming the legitimacy of the first national
government of the United States of America.
While, in practice, this made
little effective difference to the manner in which Congress functioned – in
spite of Maryland’s stubbornness, the United States operated from 1777-78 as
though the Articles had been ratified – that this kind of situation was allowed
to arise at all was quite telling. Whereas the Constitution was deemed by its
framers to take effect once nine of thirteen states had submitted their
approval, and while the national government that resulted likewise pivoted upon
the primacy of the majority – be it simple or super – the Articles were
conversely structured around the notion that consensus was the only means by
which the most important decisions could claim legitimacy. While this was
certainly a noble sentiment, the fact that it was fairly quickly cast aside
speaks powerfully to both the optimism and the inexperience with which the
Articles were crafted. Not only was unanimity required for the new government
to be formed, but it was also a necessary ingredient for almost any major
policy or initiative that Congress would care to pursue. While the Articles did
permit the national government to make financial or military requisitions of
the states, for example, these were effectively only requests that the states
could freely refuse to honor. As such consensus of opinion was rarely in
evidence during the life of the Articles (1777-1789), Congress most often found
itself cash-strapped and manifestly unable to provide the Continental Army with
the manpower it so desperately needed.
Unfortunately, any attempt to alter
this state of affairs by modifying the Articles – so that, for example, the
states were bound by law to respect Congressional levies – would have run up
against this same basic issue. Just as the approval of all thirteen states was
necessary for the Articles themselves to come into force, so was the unanimous
approval of every state legislature required for any amendment to achieve the
same. By thus exalting consensus to the point of enshrining it as the core
value of the government they aimed to create, the framers of the Articles thus
crafted a cage around said government, built of their own best intentions and
permitting only the most limited movement for its unfortunate inhabitants.
Granted, this state of affairs was very much in keeping with the circumstances
from which the Articles emerged. Not only were the individuals responsible for
drafting, debating, and approving the relevant plan of government almost wholly
lacking any practical experience in the realm of law, statecraft, and public
affairs that they were about to enter, but the object to which they were
ostensibly dedicating their efforts – the United States of America – was as yet
something of an abstract and untested concept.
Certainly, the various colonies
which preceded the states were possessed of written charters that provided
detailed descriptions of the administration thereof, though nearly all of them
had been drafted and approved long before the lifetimes of any delegate to
Congress circa 1776-77. In consequence, while the authors of the Articles were
better equipped than, say, the average inhabitant of Great Britain to understand
the form and function of a written constitution, they almost certainly lacked
any applied knowledge as to how such things were constructed. Just so, while
the fact that the various colonies had successfully coordinated a series of
responses to one piece of British legislation after another – the Stamp Act
(1765), the Townshend Duties (1767), the Tea Act (1773), the Coercive Acts
(1774) – and subsequently cooperated in overseeing Patriot efforts during the
opening phase of the Revolutionary War, the notion of binding the thirteen
states together in any substantial, permanent way remained something of a novel
prospect. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), at a meeting of delegates from the
various colonies convened in Albany in 1754 at the outset of the Seven Years
War (1754-1763), had notably proposed a “Plan of Union” that would have created
a kind of American federation within the larger British Empire, though the
proposition met with little success. A similar bid submitted to the first
Continental Congress in October, 1774 by Pennsylvania delegate Joseph Galloway
(1731-1803) was likewise rejected, and along similar lines. Cooperation among
the various colonies became increasingly common beginning in the 1750s, and
there was certainly something to the notion that being “American” somehow set
one apart from being “British.” But the traditions, priorities, resentments,
and ambitions of said colonies remained powerful impediments to the success of
any proposal that even appeared to threaten their sovereignty.
This state of affairs
understandably left the delegates to Congress responsible for crafting a frame
of government for the United States of America over the course of 1776-77 in a
somewhat awkward position. Not only had they taken on a task for which none of
them were particularly well-equipped, but their central objective required a
feat of imagination for which few practical examples then existed. Of course
the inhabitants of British America were familiar with the concept and
characteristics of a national legislature, Parliament serving as a venerable
and well-established model. But their aim was not – could not have been – to
simply replicate Parliament in an American context. Great Britain was – and
continues to be, in large part – a unitary state. The legislature thereof has
accordingly functioned without much, if any, concern for the existence of
strong sub-national entities like states or provinces. Parliament represents
the people of Great Britain, via the mechanism of free and frequent elections,
and it accordingly makes law for Great Britain. America, however, could never
admit so simple an arrangement. The very crux of the Anglo-American crisis had
been the failure of Parliament and the Crown to recognize the sovereignty of
both the American people and the colonies to which they identified as citizens.
Any American equivalent of Parliament, therefore, by necessity must have
pursued the opposite tack. The colonies-cum-states formed an integral part of
the contemporary American cultural and political identity, and it was
accordingly imperative that they correspondingly occupy a central role in
whatever government was formed to administer a prospective union of the same.
This was easier said than done, of course, and the potential solutions that
Dickinson and his fellow delegates hit upon were understandably somewhat…wobbly.
As if having to account for the
existence of strong, assertive states wasn’t problem enough, the framers of the
Articles also faced the unusual problem of having to decide which
responsibilities could reasonably be considered to fall under the heading of
“national interest” at a time when the inhabitants of British America had
rarely had cause to think of themselves as belonging to a community that
spanned the Atlantic seaboard yet was untethered from Parliament or the Crown.
It was true that projects like the aforementioned Albany Congress (1754), the
Stamp Act Congress (1765), and the Continental Congress (1774) had encouraged
the citizens and governments of the various colonies to begin to think in terms
of the sensibilities and objectives that united all Americans, but none of
these cooperative ventures embodied quite the same degree of substance as a
national government. It was one thing for colonial delegates to assemble and
discuss various non-binding proposals in which they identified the interests of
their respective communities and quite another for a body intended to represent
thirteen different states to make requisitions, conduct military affairs,
pursue treaties of alliance or commerce, and administer land donated by those
states in a way that spoke to the needs of the nation as a whole. Which powers
could be delegated to the national government without violating the sovereignty
of the states? Should the states possess a veto on national legislation or
would the reverse be permissible? How much authority – and in what ratio – was
enough for the national government to enjoy the respect of the American people
without arousing their suspicion? Despite all that has occurred in nearly two
hundred and fifty years to strengthen the sense of nationality and community
nurtured by the citizens of the American republic, these kinds of questions
continue to accompany nearly any exercise of federal power by the United States
government. It should therefore come as no surprise – and it should to some
degree excuse the generally mixed results – that the framers of the Articles
were not always certain how to successfully balance and separate state and
national priorities.
That the Articles were also crafted
under the auspices of the Continental Congress doubtless added further
impediments to its authors creating a viable final product, though the impulse behind
the project itself was eminently sound. As mentioned above, the committee
assigned to draft a plan of union was comprised of sitting delegates to
Congress, to whom responsibility was also delegated to debate and approve the
end result. In consequence, unlike the later Constitution, the Articles were
crafted via a fairly slow and highly deliberative process. Over a year went by
between the time that Dickinson submitted the first draft to Congress in July,
1777 and the final draft was approved by the same in November, 1778. Over the
course of those many months, any number of articles, provisions, and clauses
were doubtless weighed, modified, inserted, or excised as waves of delegates
newly appointed to Congress by their respective states made known the concerns
held by themselves and their constituents. Compared to the Philadelphia
Convention of 1787, whose members drafted, debated, and approved the
Constitution in a little less than five months, the process that birthed the
Articles of Confederation represents nothing short of a marathon.
It likewise bears noting that the
curtain of secrecy under which the Constitution was drafted was necessarily
absent during the creation of the Articles. In the midst of a war, with
delegates coming and going and the whole of Congress forced to relocate between
December, 1776 and February, 1777 from Philadelphia to Baltimore, any such
effort at confidentiality would surely have been doomed to failure. The
Articles, therefore, were debated in public, in sometimes unsettled circumstances,
by a rotating body of delegates, and over the course some sixteen months. The
end result of these all these factors would seem to be a working environment in
which a whole host of views, perspectives, and priorities were required to at
least be considered if not accommodated, some form of external scrutiny was
almost always present, and final approval would only result from an affirmative
majority vote on the part of a supervising body whose membership and physical
conditions were subject to fairly frequent change. Surely this qualifies as a
less than ideal context in which to craft the first national government of the
newly-minted American union, and may perhaps be said to account for some amount
of the shortcomings of the resulting document.
In spite of the manifest
impracticality which seemed to attend every circumstance under which the
Articles of Confederation were crafted, however, the very fact of their
existence was the result of a highly pragmatic observation on the part of
Congress. Well and truly at war with Great Britain as of April, 1775, and
struggling for independence rather than reconciliation as of July, 1776, the
Thirteen Colonies were in desperate need of both international recognition and
military and financial aid as the year 1777 dawned and the American victories
at Lexington and Concord, Ticonderoga, and Boston gave way to a series of
defeats and reversals in and around New York City. The obvious solution – and
that which Congress hit upon – was the enlisting of foreign allies. France, for
one, appeared a natural choice, owing mainly to its longstanding rivalry with
Great Britain and its desire for unrestricted access to American markets and
raw materials. The Dutch Republic, whose trade wars with Britain had spanned
the better part of fifty years from the middle of the 17th century,
likewise seemed a probable supporter of American independence in the event that
a suitable offer was made. In addition to sizable loans, direct military
assistance, and diversionary attacks on British trade, these venerable European
powers could be encouraged to exert the necessary diplomatic pressure to both
bring Great Britain to the negotiating table and ensure that the newly-minted
United States of America was afforded the respect it was owed as an independent
nation and an ally in good standing. Promising though these prospects were,
however, there were as yet certain logistical issues that wanted resolving
before agreements between the United States of America and Britain’s various
continental rivals could be signed and sealed.
While the formal declaration of
American independence effectively rendered moot any concerns that prospective
allies might have nurtured as to the propriety of intervening in what was
otherwise an internal conflict of the British Empire – as per the parameters of
the Peace of Westphalia (1648) and its influential recognition of national
sovereignty – there remained the question of whom precisely the nations in
question would be negotiating with. The Continental Congress served reasonably
well as a mechanism of interstate coordination and debate, but it lacked most
of the characteristics that contemporary European sensibilities had come to
associate with national governments. Absent the President of Congress – whose
authority and duties resembled those of the contemporary Speaker of the House
of Commons – there was no chief executive, nor any executive departments, nor
an accompanying order of precedence. Responsibility for specific policy areas
was exercised through a series of committees – some temporary, others permanent
– with every major decision put to a vote by the larger body of delegates. And
while Congress, in this state, managed to commission military officers and
ambassadors, issue paper currency, and allocate requisitions of men and
resources, it remained something of an ad-hoc institution bound together only
by the voluntary participation of its constituent states. For the European
empires to whom the United States wished to present its case, such a precarious
state of affairs would have done little to inspire either confidence or trust.
A more substantial
union of the states was called for – one which possessed the authority to
create administrative departments, delegate authority on a permanent basis, and
ratify treaties on behalf of its constituent states. Accordingly, Congress
responded to the June 7th, 1776 resolution of Virginia delegate
Richard Henry Lee (1732-1794) that the united colonies ought to declare their liberation
from British rule by commissioning three committees to draft three separate but
linked documents. The first, the so-called “Committee of Five” set to work on a
formal, written affirmation of the logic and reasoning behind the independence
of the American states. The second committee was instructed to create a model
treaty by which the United States might begin to seal the foreign military and
economic agreements it so sorely required. And the third, led by the
aforementioned John Dickinson, was given the task of creating a frame of
government by which the effects of first committee’s declaration would be
consolidated and made manifest and the product of the second committee’s
efforts would be given substance and strength. The resulting Articles of
Confederation were most certainly flawed, owing in large part to the circumstances
of their creation. Nonetheless, their very existence was the product of a
fairly insightful reading of contemporary European diplomatic norms on the part
of authorities in Congress.
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